Usable paint can be given away on GrotonFreeStuff or other reuse groups. Can be treated as regular trash after dried completely.
Paint Calculator
Alkaline batteries less than 10 years old no longer contain mercury and can be trashed
Keep Mercury From Rising is a helpful resource for proper management of products (or spills) containing mercury
Your town’s Police Department should be contacted for assistance managing potentially explosive materials or items
Consult your local Transfer Station, Recycling Center, or Board of Health for disposal of flammable gas, fire extinguishers, compressed gas cylinders
Prescription medicines should not be flushed, they should be crushed and trashed or kept safe for a special collection, check Police Dept. for 24 hour collection containers or Drug Take Back Days for possible collection in your area.
Do not put Needles and syringes into recycling. Get a sharp medical container; call Nashoba Associated Boards of Health 978-772-3335
Help with disposal options for hazardous products that require special handling.
* NEDT 866-769-1621
* Clean Harbors 781-380-7177
To: Member Communities
From: Operations Subcommittee
Date: February 20, 2014
Subject: Low Toxic Product Purchase Plan
The Oversight Committee of the Devens HHW recognizes the importance of continued education. The committee encourages communities to institute a low toxic product purchase and alternatives to toxics plan. Steps may include the following.
The US EPA has valuable resources in the Environmentally Preferable Purchasing, or EPP, program which seeks the overall best value, taking into account price competitiveness, availability, regulatory requirements, performance, and environmental impact. Information on their guides can be found at
Reducing the use of toxic products and measuring before you buy will help you save money, the environment and the space needed to store your unused products and paint.